Monday 25 April 2011

Day One in London

I (Sarah) have come earlier than Aubrey to get things sorted (erm, or to get over jet lag and drink Pimm's?) and am so happy to be here!!!

London is one of my most favorite cities in the world.  Right now the city is getting a very unusual spurt of springtime warmth and sunshine - 27 degrees!  To add to that, Londoners have an extended holiday due to Easter and the Royal Wedding.  Therefore, the sun-filled streets are full of jovial drinkers spilling out of pubs and wine bars, happy parents pushing their prams along sidewalks, and sunbathers lounging in all the parks.

With wisteria dripping off of stone houses and lilacs blooming all around, I definitely have a spring in my step.  It's so wonderful to be here!!

The town is also getting ready for the Royal Wedding.  EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is in the general spirit.  Union Jack bunting hangs over streets and in pubs, all the windows are full of Kate and Will paraphernalia and there is a general sense of celebration. 

I can't wait for my buddy to be here with me.  Aubrey has only been to London when she was 5!!  I know she will be on the prowl for Prince Harry (I kept my eyes peeled today but no luck).  I did however spot a Kate Middleton worthy red dress that I may just have to go back and try on .  . .

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